About the blog

Much like a kid standing on a street corner watching the world go by, this blog is intended to provide a unique perspective on the world today by standing on the outside looking in. I intend to provide social commentary on the world in the 21st century. At times I will be analytical, at times I will be thought provoking. And at times, I’ll just be speaking with the plain common sense many people don‘t seem to have today. At times it will be an in your face, what the hell is wrong here, no bullshit look at the facts and why the world is so screwed up. I encourage all readers to leave your comments to any post. Be honest, weather you agree with me or not. This is a bullshit free zone! With a corner view.

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Let's blame everyone!

Myspace, Britney, Family Guy, Eminem and the list goes on. Parents are constantly complaining about why their kids are so screwed up, and how it’s everybody else’s fault. Guess what parents? It’s your own fault! Stop complaining your 14 year old daughter dress like a hooker because of Britney, you’re the one that’s supposed to provide her cloths. Don’t bitch that your kid has a foul mouth because of Family Guy, you pay the cable bill. Don’t complain that their fat because of McDonalds, your responsible for feeding them. You can’t complain about how much time your kid spends texting, when you can simply take away their phone. You have no right to complain about the kinds of people your kid is talking to on Myspace if your not even bothering to monitor what they do. Maybe you people didn’t realize it, but your responsible for your children. Legally and morally. Why are you bitching so much instead of doing something about it. Especially in a world as high tech as the one we live in today. Cable companies provide means to block TV channels, even if you don’t have a cable box. All computers have a means of parental control, regardless of your ISP. And of course, there is that old fashion method of just sitting your kids down and talking to them. Get off your butt and take responsibility for the children your brought into this world. Having to work to support your family is no excuse for neglecting them morally.

Your children’s cloths, language and behavior have nothing to do with what they watch or listen to. It has to do with how you teach them to view those things. You can’t control the world. So instead of writing letters to TV exec’s that their show corrupted your child, or calling the record company because their diva dresses like a slut, spend that time with your children. Teach them why a 14 year old shouldn’t wear a tube top and t-back to school. If your kid ends up looking like a 400 pound hooker with tourettes, you’ll have no one to blame but yourself. Do your job or they just may end up as irresponsible and immature as you.

Your supposed to be raising children, not support to ban Family Guy. It doesn’t matter if you’re a single parent, work two jobs, or have a medical condition. There is no reason you can’t be there for your kids. Yes, being a parent is a tough job. But it’s one worth doing right. Use the resources available to parents, join a support group, install parental controls, talk to your kids. You have a better chance of educating them, then you do getting Britney to dress like a nun.

Now how about some feed back. Any suggestions on how to cope with raising kids? Or just have something to say? Leave a comment and share it with the world.


Anonymous said...

So very true. Many parents try to be their child's friend instead of teaching them right from wrong and giving a little discipline to lead the way. Then when they see that the product of their own doing is out of control, try to bring in the basic parenting skills they so lacked and needed to begin with.

Anonymous said...

I'm totally with you on this subject... I often tell people to use common sense.. Hello!!!! It's there.. I'm really not sure why some people don't use it.. They look very dumb when they don't... Your children are going to be who you allow them to be.. Every action has a reaction. So, think first before acting!!